







Nut Hexagon.jpg

Story of Toggles

*Toggles is a playground for artists.*

The seven TOGGLES lived on each floor of a seven-story structure called Nut Hexagon as trainees, and there was a hexagonal power logo in the center of each.

Through their debut, they can go to the real world outside of Nut Hexagon and collaborate with artists.

Starting with a collaboration with artists, Toggles creates the Toggles Universe in Nut Hexagon with MV directors, fashion designers, and 3D designers in all his activities as a musician.

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<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> Youtube


Interview with Toggles

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EDM Toggles, Spark Jack

*"I don't DJ with boxes that other DJs use."*

Q. The DJ box looks unique.

A. It's a DJ box that I developed myself... The AI moles on the box make various sounds depending on the angle and intensity of the hammering, the gender ratio of the clubbers, and the type of dance that day.

Q. I've heard that AI moles are starting to have emotion with your rather aggressive hammering and are boycot-ting DJing...

A. I would rather not say.

Q. I've heard you're the owner DJ of the "Hexagon" club.

A. There's only one reason I took over Hexagon from "VICTORY". I wanted to create an eco-friendly club where all the club's instruments and lights are powered solely by solar energy.

Q. Lastly, what's your goal to do EDM music?

A. I would like to hold an EDM festival in Hexagon where only avatar musicians participate. The audience also participates as an avatar and enjoys music and dance 24 hours a day with musicians who are neither old nor exhausted.


Hip-Hop Toggles, Burger Dogg

*"It's hard to meet people because I'm shy. So, I developed a gorilla Muppet beatboxer."*

Q. The gorilla-shaped beatboxer looks quite unique.

A. I am quite shy for a rapper, so collaborating with others is not easy for me. That's why I created my own style. When I put it on like a glove, the beats automatically come along with my rap. But recently, a gorilla started talking to me, saying that my rap is improving day by day. It was really uncomfortable. Should I meet people again?

Q. The mole on the EDM TOGGLES's DJ box is starting to have emotion as well.

A. Let's not talk about it.

Q. Rival... Are you in that kind of relationship?

A. I don't think of EDM as music, and I don't think of DJ as a musician.

When it mentioned about EDM TOGGLES, he who is shy was suddenly became firm and began to pour out raps dissing him with a beatboxer.


Jazz Toggles, Chocorob

"I started jazz to find the answer to 'How can love change'"

Q. You said you would be on stage without chorus dolls from the next tour as the audience liked the chorus dolls more than you.

A. I started jazz to find the answer to 'How can love change'. I wanted to convey love to the world with jazz when all the other TOGGLES only pursued music that makes money. But the chorus dolls fell out of my love and chose the love of the audience...It's the essence of this case.

Q. Is there reason for persisting only pink suits?

A. I've heard that the producer would dress me in a different color to make NFT or something. The other TOGGLES thought it would be a lot of money, so they have all taken it, right? I will never wear anything other than pink.

Q. Let's talk about music. Which artist do you want to collaborate with?

A. First of all, I want him/her to have a beautiful appearance, the other is to be an artist who has an open position on cross-over jazz. I think these two things are important for jazz to reach more people.


Reggae Toggles, Mangorama

"'TOM TOM' was named in honor of two Tom who are friends that did reggae together.”

Q. Why did you name 'TOM TOM' on the reggae carpet?

A. I had two friends who had grown dream for reggae music together, and all of them were Tom. I got it from there. They're not in the world now, but on the TOM TOM, I feel like I'm doing reggae with them.

Q. I heard that TOM TOM has a special function.

A. I put the TOM TOM all the performance and dance moves I did when I did reggae with two Tom. So, the feeling of dancing with them is...It's more than just a feeling.

Q. Isn't reggae an alienated genre in these days in a way?

A. The day will surely come when the reggae festival will be held at the Metaverse Caribbean Beach. I have a business trip planned to Jamaica next week to find a collaborative reggae musician. Of course, the producer needs to approve the business trip fee. I'd like to scour the streets of the birthplace of this genre to find young reggae prospects. That's where the reggae revival will begin.


Rock Toggles, Knucklepunch

"The Metaverse here, which was presented as a refuge in the real world, is now full of anger. My rock gets angry on behalf of angry people."

Q. I heard that your dream is headbanging. Is it possible?

A. (Anger crossed his face at this question, and the axe on his hand seemed to be pulled out and flying to me at any moment.) It's not possible in terms of trichology, but it's possible in terms of music.

Q. Why do you think people like your rock music?

A. It's probably because everyone's angry. When I start shouting, the atmosphere rises to the point where violence occurs at any moment, but the concert hall becomes a more peaceful place than the cathedral with the ending of my song. That's why I do rock music. Making angry people less angry.

Q. Which rocker do you want to collaborate with?

A. I don't know if there are any school bands that do rock music these days, but I want to do a bit of fresh rock now, and wouldn't it be possible if I were with them?


Folk Toggles, Coffejam

"My dream is to collaborate with her. That was my only dream since I read her 'Night Letter'.”

Q. Let me ask you a straightforward question. Is the singer who suggested collaboration a girl group?

A. Girl groups don't like folk music. They probably don't even know what kind of music a folk is.

Q. Then who is it? Many readers are curious. If it's not a group, is it a solo artist?

A. If she's going to perform here on the sixth floor of Nut Hexagon, I'd like to do her song and the best fitting accompaniment in the world with 'HEAVEN STRING'. I wait she comes to my sixth floor of Nut Hexagon like magic one day and to be my 'music bolt'.


Disco Toggles, Gumball